How to Write a Captivating Crowdfunding Description (With Examples!)
by Kate WhiteBONUS: Run a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign by Using Our FREE Ultimate Guide to Crowdfunding! You'll love the tips and recommendations!
Your crowdfunding description is one of the first things that people will see when they arrive on your campaign page.
Because of its prominence, your crowdfunding description should be well-written and free of errors. It should also fully explain the cause, project, person, or event that you’re raising money for.
However, because many people have never started a crowdfunding campaign before, they are unsure of how to go about writing the ideal description.
Luckily, the tips you need are right here!
- Write 300-700 words
- Tell your story within your crowdfunding description
- Provide links to your blog or website
Let’s get started!

1. Write 300-700 words
The best crowdfunding campaigns are the ones that fully explain the fundraiser and provide specific details.
Guess what? You can’t accomplish either of those things with a short crowdfunding description!
Of course, some campaigns will need more explanation than others. Crowdfunding campaigns set up for memorial or funeral costs tend to be more straightforward than those fundraisers started to fund creative projects, for example.
Let’s take a look at a sample crowdfunding description that uses the right number of words to lay out the details of the organizer’s crowdfunding campaign (check out the campaign here).
This crowdfunding description accomplishes a few things:
- First, the organizer has done an excellent job of explaining the general issue (the endangerment of painted dogs in Zimbabwe).
- Second, the description discusses the solutions that the organization is currently developing and how they will help solve the problem.
- Finally, they offer links to more information about the program and painted dogs.
The description does all of that in just 443 well-written words! Not only that, but this crowdfunding description is free of error and is extremely professional.
Clearly, the description is having an impact on this fundraiser, since they’ve already raised over $8,000!
It’s also important to remember to not get too wordy within your crowdfunding description. If donors are immediately faced with a block of text, they might become overwhelmed and decide not to make a donation.
:arrow: Quick Tip: Write a detailed and specific description that is between 300 and 700 words. A longer crowdfunding description enables you to explain your cause more thoroughly to your supporters.

2. Tell your story within your crowdfunding description
Inspirational stories captivate people. Tales of overcoming adversity, discovering a passion, or pursuing a dream can drive people to make emotionally-driven donations.
Your crowdfunding description is the perfect place to tell your story!
As long as you tie your story into your fundraiser, the two can work in perfect harmony to convince your friends, family members, and peers to give to your cause.
Let’s take a look at an example crowdfunding campaign that tells an incredible story (check out the campaign here).
The story opens with the organizer describing her lifelong love for Mt. Everest. She then talks about how she and her brother climbed the first 5 of the “Seven Summits” together and are aiming to become the first brother-sister duo to climb all seven peaks.
Finally, she makes the emotional claim that,
“When I was young, girls were not encouraged to involve themselves in adventure sports like climbing the world’s tallest mountains.”
This sentence in particular and the description as a whole are inspirational and powerful, and probably have a lot to do with the organizer raising nearly $17,000 in just a few short weeks.
:arrow: Quick Tip: If you have an emotional or inspirational story to tell — tell it! Your crowdfunding description is the ideal platform for getting the word out about the obstacles you’ve overcome or the challenges you hope to face. A great story can inspire more people to be connected to your cause and give to your campaign.

3. Provide links to your blog or website
Most people make the mistake of writing too little in their crowdfunding description, but there are some people who just have so much to say!
That’s not necessarily a problem (it means you’re passionate about your cause!), but your crowdfunding description space isn’t the place for a novel-length outline of your cause, project, or event.
Instead of posting lengthy paragraphs that might dissuade some would-be supporters, make your main points within your description and include a link to your blog or website.
Let’s look at an example of a crowdfunding campaign that did just that (check out the fundraiser here).
As you can see, this crowdfunding organizer chose to place the the link to the organization’s website right in the middle of the crowdfunding description. The description then goes on to list out the nonprofit’s recent accomplishments.
Placing the link to your website or blog within your description can help direct supporters to more detailed information about your cause. It frees up the space in your crowdfunding description to get down to the truly important components of your fundraiser.
Linking out to your website or blog also allows supporters to become more educated about your cause. They might become even more involved and assist you in your fundraising efforts in an even bigger way!
:arrow: Quick Tip: Include a link to your website or blog if you find that you have a lot to say about your crowdfunding campaign. You can then decide exactly what needs to be said in your crowdfunding description, while directing your supporters to more information on your site.
These three tips are by no means the only ways to write excellent crowdfunding descriptions. They are, however, a good starting point for anyone who has just set up a campaign!
If you’re looking for more tips, here are some additional resources that can help you raise more money and awareness:
- Ultimate Guide to Crowdfunding. If you want to learn more about crowdfunding and how a compelling description can add to your campaign, check out this guide.
- Tips for Shooting and Uploading Crowdfunding Photos. Another important piece to a crowdfunding page is the images. Learn how to take powerful photos to enhance your campaign.
- Advice for Writing Crowdfunding Updates. Crowdfunding updates give you the opportunity to keep donors informed about your campaign’s progress and ask for more donations. Learn how to craft an effective update with this guide.
- Tips for Sharing Your Campaign. After you’ve optimized your crowdfunding page, it’s time to share it with the world! Use these tips to spread awareness and reach donors.
- Pre-Written Email Templates. Asking for donations can be difficult—especially if it’s your first time. Get our email templates to make the process a little easier.
Happy fundraising!
Sharing Your Crowdfunding Campaign: 3 Terrific Tips
by Kate WhiteBONUS: Run a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign by Using Our FREE Ultimate Guide to Crowdfunding! You'll love the tips and recommendations!
Congratulations! You’ve set up a crowdfunding campaign, wrote a great description, and uploaded some stellar photos that depict your cause.
You’re ready to start accepting donations from friends, family members, acquaintances, and even strangers.
But how will all of these people know about your campaign if you don’t share your crowdfunding page with them?
To help you raise as much money as possible, we’ve got the top three tips you need to know about sharing your crowdfunding campaign.
- How to share your crowdfunding campaign
- Who to share your crowdfunding campaign with
- When to share your crowdfunding campaign
Whether you’re an individual raising money for a cause or a nonprofit looking to supplement your fundraising efforts, you can benefit from these tips. Let’s get started!
1. How to share your crowdfunding campaign
Sharing your crowdfunding campaign is easy! There are three main ways to get the word out:
Let’s look at each one individually.
A. Sharing your crowdfunding campaign on Facebook
Most people set up their crowdfunding campaign with their Facebook account, so it makes sense that they would use Facebook to advertise their fundraiser.
Facebook is a great way to promote your campaign to many people at one time. Make sure that your preferences are set to “Public” so that people other than your friends have the opportunity to see your posts!
Check out this example:
There are a few awesome components of this Facebook post:
- First, the image of Sebastian, the dog, is adorable and heartwarming. Who wouldn’t want to donate to this campaign after looking at that cute face?
- Secondly, the copy is inspiring and motivating. From the beginning imagery of “dogs…on beds and sofas in loving homes” to the final appeal, “Please join me!”, Dr. Becker managed to capture the attention of many of his followers and friends.
- Finally, the post has nearly 7,000 likes, 155 comments, and over 1,000 shares. While this is not necessarily all up to Dr. Becker, it certainly helps the Grey Muzzle Organization’s fundraising efforts.
When you post your own Facebook promotions, keep these tips in mind:
- Keep the copy short and sweet. People don’t want to read several paragraphs of text while scrolling through Facebook. Quickly and briefly explain your need and ask people to help you reach your goal.
- Make sure you include an image. It’s not enough to post the link to your crowdfunding campaign. An image within the post will capture people’s attention more readily than a text post will.
- Don’t just ask for donations; ask for shares! Crowdfunding isn’t just about raising money for your cause. It’s also about widening your reach and raising more awareness. Ask others to share the post within your crowdfunding promotions.
B. Sharing your crowdfunding campaign on Twitter
Twitter is similar to Facebook, but there is less space to make your appeal. Instead of spelling out your need and asking for donations and shares, you should use Twitter to direct people to your crowdfunding page with short and punchy tweets.
Take a look at this example:
I’m heading to Lesotho in March w/ @Habitat_org & could use your help fundraising! Learn more: via @Fundly
— Erin Odell (@erinodell) November 2, 2016
Let’s examine what makes this tweet work so well:
- First, the description is short and to the point, but it also provides context. We know that Erin is going to Lesotho in March with Habitat for Humanity. That’s really all someone would need to know in a single tweet. She’s also used a shortened URL to save space!
- Secondly, Erin has tagged both Habitat for Humanity (@Habitat_org) and Fundly (@Fundly) in her tweet. This helps widen her reach since her tweet will now show up in search results for both of those organizations.
- Finally, the image that accompanies the tweet helps to break up the text and provides a bit more context for the fundraiser. You may only have 140 characters in each tweet, but images are worth 1,000 words!
Follow these two tips to make the most of your promotional tweets:
- Use active verbs and a direct tone: Twitter isn’t the place to beat around the bush. Say what you’re raising money for, and ask people to help you reach your goal. Spur people to action by using verbs such as “help,” “reach,” and “succeed.”
- Tag people, nonprofits, and organizations. Make sure you tag your friends, people who will receive the money generated by your fundraiser, a nonprofit you support, or the crowdfunding company that hosts your campaign page. These people or organizations might retweet your tweet and widen your reach even further!
Bonus: Take a look at these social media templates to get started!
C. Sharing your crowdfunding campaign via email
Spreading the word about your fundraiser via email is one of the best ways to raise money. In fact, 53% of all email shares result in donations.
With a conversion rate like that, who wouldn’t want to use emails to spread the word about their crowdfunding campaign?
Let’s review some best practices for writing emails to raise more awareness and funds.
- Get personal. You likely know all of the people you’re going to email. Don’t insult them by sending out an email that starts with “Dear Family Member/Friend.” It’s disingenuous to say the least. Instead, start with the recipient’s preferred name and a cheerful and personal greeting.
- Don’t make it all about you. Let the recipient know how your campaign might impact them, or mention how they can get more involved with your overarching cause or mission. Emails shouldn’t just be pleas for money; they should engage the reader!
- Link out to your crowdfunding campaign page. This tip seems a bit obvious, but it’s important to remember to include the link to your campaign page within your email. In fact, you should link out to your fundraiser a couple of times and include links to your blog or website when appropriate.
While most people share their crowdfunding campaign via digital channels, you can also use the copy from your emails to send out snail mail letters to friends and family members who aren’t tech-savvy.
Bonus: Check out these email templates for spreading the word about your crowdfunding campaign.
:arrow: Main Takeaway: Make the most of social media platforms and emails! Share your crowdfunding campaign via Facebook, Twitter, and email to ensure that as many people as possible know about your fundraising efforts.
2. Who to share your crowdfunding campaign with
Many people aren’t sure who they should promote their crowdfunding campaign to. If you have a large network of friends, family members, coworkers, and peers, it can seem like a daunting task to spread the word to all of them.
Luckily, there’s an easy way to solve this problem.
First of all, start with your closest friends and relatives. Ask people who you see or speak to on a regular basis who might have insight into the cause, project, or event that you’re raising money for.
These people are the most likely individuals to give to your campaign. Your friends and family members care about you; why wouldn’t they want you to succeed?
Next, reach out to acquaintances and distant relatives. The guy who sits a couple cubicles over and your great Aunt Martha fall into this category. You might not speak to these people on a regular basis, but they know who you are and might be responsive to an appeal for donations.
Finally, expand your reach even further. Ask your friends and family members to share your crowdfunding campaign with their networks via social media and email. You might find that people you’ve never even met are willing to give to your cause!
This is where you should try to do some digging to identify social influencers within your network. Social influencers are individuals with large social media followings, and they have the ability to put your campaign in front of their vast network of online friends and fans.
When considering someone’s social influence, you’ll want to look at reach / # of followers, follower engagement, post frequency, and relevancy. By analyzing those factors, you’ll be well on your way to understanding who among your network is a social influencer with the potential to take your campaign to the next level.
:arrow: Main Takeaway: Think about sharing your crowdfunding campaign like rings within a tree. If your cause or campaign is in the center, you’ll want to start promoting it to people who are closest to you (friends and relatives). Then, you’ll move outward until you’ve reached the furthest ring (people you don’t know well or at all).
3. When to share your crowdfunding campaign
When you’re trying to raise money for a cause, project, or event that you care about, there really isn’t a wrong time to share your crowdfunding campaign.
There are, however, optimal times that you should consider when you start sharing your crowdfunding campaign.
- Peak times on Facebook are between 6:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
- Peak times on Twitter are between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.
- Peak email open times are between 6:00 a.m. and noon and 6:00 p.m. and midnight
Keeping these peak times in mind when sharing your crowdfunding campaign can help your posts and emails get more views (and hopefully likes, comments, and donations).
You’ll also need to think about the frequency of your promotions.
Your network will start to tune you out if you post a donation appeal every hour, on the hour. Instead, create a manageable schedule for your social media posts and emails.
You have to strike a suitable balance between overwhelming your network and reminding them about your campaign. Once a week, for example, might be a good middle ground for sharing your crowdfunding campaign.
:arrow: Main Takeaway: It’s important to know when and how often you should let people know about your crowdfunding campaign. Pay attention to peak times and find a schedule that works well for you and your network.
Sharing your crowdfunding campaign doesn’t have to be complicated! Hopefully this article has shed some light on how and when you can effectively share your crowdfunding campaign with friends, family members, coworkers, peers, and even strangers.
For more information, check out these additional resources:
- Complete Crowdfunding Guide. Need to go back to the basics? Check out our beginner’s guide that gives you all the details about crowdfunding.
- Social Media Templates. Now that you know how to share your campaign, use these templates to spread your reach on social media.
- Promoting on Facebook. Facebook is a popular way to share your campaign. Get 4 tips on how to reach more supporters with this guide.
Happy fundraising!
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