Optimize your website for crowdfunding success with these 6 nonprofit web design tips.

The Top 6 Nonprofit Web Design Tips for Crowdfunding Campaigns


The ultimate goal of any nonprofit website is to convince supporters to take the desired action, whether that be signing up for an email newsletter, registering for a volunteer opportunity, or anything in between.

No matter what your goals, your website must be carefully structured and designed if your organization expects to reach the ideal outcome.

If that outcome happens to be increasing visibility and scoring more donations to your nonprofit’s crowdfunding campaign, you’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we’ll give you 6 tips that will help you design your website in a way that’s conducive to crowdfunding success, including:

  1. Make sure your donation page is easy to get to.
  2. Use your crowdfunding campaign to keep your website current.
  3. Pack an emotional punch.
  4. Standardize branding.
  5. Keep mobile in mind.
  6. Provide crowdfunding donors with other ways to get involved.

Let’s jump in!

Ensuring that your donation page is easy to get to will result in more online donations to your nonprofit, since donors can readily access your form.

1. Make sure your donation page is easy to get to.

Why it’s crucial:

Considering that crowdfunding relies on a large number of donors to be successful, campaign visibility and accessibility are arguably more important with crowdfunding campaigns than they are with other fundraisers.

To maximize donations to your campaign, your organization must make the giving experience as easy as possible for your donors.

If supporters have to search your website endlessly to find your crowdfunding page, chances are that they won’t even land on the donation form, nevertheless hit the “Submit” button.

Point is, a giving experience that is frustrating in any way is much more likely to be abandoned before the gift has been made, which won’t do much to further your crowdfunding campaign!

How it’s done:

If securing more donations to your crowdfunding campaign is your organization’s main website goal, treat it as the centerpiece!

The key here is to make your crowdfunding page as visible as possible (organically, of course). You should provide supporters with multiple pathways to access your campaign donation form.

For example, you might give supporters the option to access your page by:

  • Including a call-to-action and a link to your campaign page on your homepage.
  • Adding information about your crowdfunding campaign to your “Ways to Give” page.
  • Featuring a “Donate Now” button in your top navigation that specifically links out to your crowdfunding page.

Of course, this list certainly doesn’t cover all of the options. If there’s a natural opportunity to lead website visitors to your crowdfunding campaign donation form, then by all means, guide them!

To sum up: Ensuring that your navigation structure clearly points website visitors to your crowdfunding page will result in more donations to your campaign, since supporters will know exactly where to go to embark on the donation process.

Your crowdfunding campaign will provide your organization with plenty of updates that you can repurpose on your website to keep your content fresh.

2. Use your crowdfunding campaign to keep your website current.

Why it’s crucial:

Amidst a million other important efforts and concerns, it can be all-too-easy to forget to update your website… or to simply sweep updating under the rug.

However, updating your website is crucial to its effectiveness. You need to update regularly to reassure donors that your organization is still active and interested in keeping them in the loop with what’s going on at your nonprofit.

Furthermore, an out-of-date website can make your organization appear less credible. Think about it: have you ever landed on a business’ website that looks like it hasn’t been updated since 1999? You probably weren’t too inclined to believe that that company was up with the times and a current expert in their product or field.

Point is, regularly updating your website can be a difficult feat, but the potential ramifications of not updating can be even greater.

How it’s done:

Luckily, your crowdfunding campaign will give your organization plenty of material for updating your website!

As we’ve discussed in a previous post, it’s important to regularly give your supporters updates during your crowdfunding campaign. Doing so keeps them oriented with your progress and demonstrates the results of their contributions in a more tangible way, both of which lead to a more invested base of donors.

You can repurpose the updates from your crowdfunding campaign to generate new content for your website. For example, you could update your homepage daily to share current campaign progress or publish a series of news articles to your blog about the positive work that crowdfunding donations have already made possible.

And those are only a couple of the possibilities! No matter how you choose to leverage them, crowdfunding updates give you the fodder you need to keep your website current.

Additionally, if your website needs a design update, you can work with a nonprofit technology consultant to create an up-to-date website. These web design and tech-savvy consultants can not only help you refresh your design but also come up with solutions on how to link to your crowdfunding campaign.

For instance, they can step up a donation form that allows supporters to give to your crowdfunding campaign without leaving your website! All you’ll have to do is update your fundraising goal on your crowdfunding platform.

Check out this list of potential candidates to learn more about hiring a nonprofit technology consultant.

To sum up: By using news from your crowdfunding campaign, updating your organization’s website on a regular basis will be much more manageable.

Adding emotionally-charged images and stories to your nonprofit's website can make it more compelling to your donors.

3. Pack an emotional punch.

Why it’s crucial:

People are often motivated to give charitably because nonprofit causes tug at their heartstrings in some way. In other words, supporting nonprofits is usually (at least in part) an emotionally-charged pursuit.

That being the case, organizations generally do better at engaging their supporters and convincing them to give when they make an emotional appeal as opposed to a logical one.

By packing an emotional punch with your content, chances are that your website will be more impactful to your donors—both when it comes to conveying your message and encouraging more donations. After all, it’s those visceral reactions that lead to impulse giving!

While designing your website around an emotional appeal won’t directly influence the success of your crowdfunding campaign, it can aid it indirectly. The more you can inspire donors with your cause and impassion them with your mission, the more likely they are to donate to your campaigns.

How it’s done:

Take a nod from your crowdfunding campaign page, and make sure to tell your story through words and photos on your website.

While you should do so throughout your site, appealing to your supporters’ emotions is especially important on your homepage. The very first impression your visitors will have of your website is the look and layout of your homepage, so it’s important to get your message across immediately.

Design your homepage around an emotionally-charged photo of your work or those you serve, and make sure to include a shortened version of your mission statement above the fold (the part of the webpage that visitors can see without scrolling).

As One Project, an organization committed to supporting secondary survivors of sexual assault, perfectly portrays their work in an emotionally compelling way on their homepage:

As One Project tugs at their website visitors' heartstrings with a photo that illustrates their cause and a mission statement that captures their work.

If you’re still in the market for more examples of successful, emotionally-charged nonprofit websites, you’re in luck. You can check out this excellent resource with 200 of the best nonprofit websites of the year, broken out by organizational focus (i.e., international, environmental, animals, etc.).

Whether you review sites through that resource or through other means, the important thing is that you’re analyzing industry-wide best practices and drawing inspiration from the great work of your peers. See what your colleagues in the field have done with their sites, and find ways to leverage those techniques to tell your nonprofit’s emotional story.

To sum up: Nonprofit work is emotional by nature. Increase the chances that website visitors will be swayed by your cause by using compelling stories and images to pack an emotional punch, particularly on your homepage.

Standardizing branding throughout your nonprofit website ensures that donors always feel secure when browsing your site.

4. Standardize branding.

Why it’s crucial:

As all nonprofits know, building trust is key to securing donations. This is especially true for online donations, which are more impersonal since there’s no aspect of face-to-face interaction to help donors feel secure.

If your organization wants to maximize the number of online donations received (and we’re assuming you do!), you must do everything in your power to make your website appear as trustworthy as possible to your donors.

Standardizing branding across your website is one of the most straightforward ways to do just that.

By keeping branding consistent across the board, it becomes a seal of trust. When donors see your look and logo across all pages of your website, they’ll be consistently reminded that they’re investing in a credible cause they care about.

How it’s done:

All pages of your website should have the same look and feel, derived from your logo.

Before you start designing, consider creating a style guide that outlines all design standards. Here are just a few of the many things you’ll probably want to think about:

  • Color scheme. Color schemes should be based on your logo and include no more than 5-6 colors. There should be 2-3 main colors (brights) as well as an array of neutrals to complement them.
  • Color usage. Beyond simply having a scheme to work with, you should determine which elements will appear in which colors. For example, what colors will donation buttons and other CTAs be? Hyperlinks?
  • Font. Use one font throughout your website, and stick with it. When selecting a font, keep in mind that sans serif fonts are more legible on screens.
  • Images. What types of images will your organization use on your website? Should images be shaped, sized, or formatted in a particular way? Where will images be sourced from? Do you need to secure any permissions? These questions all need to be answered in your style guide!

Once you’ve got your style guide, it’s time to decide how you’ll brand your donation forms. There are two routes your organization can take: hire a web design firm or build your own forms using the built-in customization tools available with your fundraising software.

If you don’t have much design experience or CSS and HTML knowledge, we highly recommend hiring a web design professional. This person can help you maintain a cohesive design throughout all your donation forms and create custom solutions that are tailored to your organization.

Completing the design in-house? Check out this list of amazing websites to get ideas on how you can brand your website’s donation forms.

Important: don’t forget to brand your crowdfunding campaign page, too! Considering that donors are submitting their sensitive information there, they’ll feel much more comfortable giving when your form clearly reflects your organization.

To sum up: Clear and consistent branding across your website builds trust because donors can be certain that they’re supporting a credible nonprofit.

Now that most donors approach websites from their smartphones, it's of the utmost importance to create a mobile-responsive website that provides them with the best possible experience.

5. Keep mobile in mind.

Why it’s crucial:

Now that mobile phones are so advanced, more and more people are using them to browse the web on the go.

In fact, it’s been estimated that a majority of browsers are now visiting nonprofit websites from mobile devices. The problem is that many nonprofits haven’t yet caught up with the times and optimized their websites (including their donation pages) for mobile users.

It might not seem like a deal breaker at first, but a website that isn’t mobile-responsive can cause your crowdfunding donations (and online contributions in general) to take a hit. Websites that aren’t mobile-friendly aren’t user-friendly, so mobile donors are much more likely to become frustrated and leave the site before submitting their donations.

Think about it: wouldn’t you be much less inclined to give if you had to zoom and pinch your screen, scroll up, down, left, and right, and fill out a bunch of tiny, illegible boxes to make a donation?

How it’s done:

How you build a mobile-responsive website will be dependent on how your nonprofit is approaching web design.

If you’re…

  • Designing your website yourself, the website builder that your organization is using should use a responsive design framework that automatically conforms your site to the device it’s being viewed on. However, just because you have this feature doesn’t necessarily mean that your site will translate well to mobile, so be sure to keep mobile in mind as you’re designing.
  • Working with a web design firm, make sure to select a firm who offers mobile-responsive design. Most firms should offer this service now that mobile is so prevalent, but it can’t hurt to double-check!

Remember: the best way to tell if your site is actually mobile-responsive is to test it out for yourself. Take out your smartphone and try donating to your crowdfunding campaign!

To sum up: Mobile-responsive websites provide mobile donors with the best possible user experience. When donating to your crowdfunding campaign is easy, donors will be much more likely to follow through!

By offering your crowdfunding donors other ways to engage with your organization throughout your website, your nonprofit will build a base of more invested donors.

6. Provide crowdfunding donors with other ways to get involved.

Why it’s crucial:

Crowdfunding campaigns can really give your donor acquisition a boost. These campaigns require widespread sharing and are low-stakes for donors, so they’re the ideal opportunity to recruit a lot of new donors to your cause.

In order to transform one-time crowdfunding donors into donors who give again and again, it’s crucial to actively continue building relationships with them. One of the best ways to do that through your website is by offering supporters other opportunities to get involved with your organization!

Not to mention, some supporters who land on your website might want to support your organization, but might not be ready to make a monetary gift. By providing a variety of engagement opportunities on your website, you can win the support of people with a variety of preferences.

How it’s done:

Post-donation engagement opportunities don’t even have to be limited to your acknowledgement page! In fact, they should be incorporated throughout your website.

The key is to match up your webpages with relevant opportunities. Some opportunities might be relevant across the board (for example, an email newsletter subscription box might remain at the bottom of the site on every page), while others would be very specific to certain pages (for example, the opportunity to volunteer for an event might only be limited to a dedicated volunteer information page).

No matter where you place them, all opportunities should be framed as calls-to-action (CTAs). Use short, clear, and actionable language to ensure that donors will understand exactly what you’re requesting.

With the right CTAs, who knows? That supporter who came only intending to give $5 to your crowdfunding campaign might be transformed into a lifelong volunteer!

To sum up: Including other engagement opportunities around your website actively continues the conversation both before and after crowdfunding campaign donors have given. With a wealth of thoughtful engagement opportunities backing you up, you should have a larger base of recurring donors to rely on for your next campaign!

Your nonprofit’s website strategy can greatly influence how much money you’re able to raise during your crowdfunding campaign. With these 6 tips, your website should be conducive to crowdfunding success.

For more information about planning your crowdfunding campaign, check out these additional resources:

Raise Money for Any Cause - Start Your Fundly Fundraiser
Successful Crowdfunding Examples for Schools and Education.

Successful Crowdfunding Examples for Schools and Education

The Best Software for Nonprofits [Rated & Reviewed]

Cvent isn't the only event management solution available; see why these Cvent competitors win out!

5 Reasons Not to Use Cvent (With Amazing Alternatives!)

Try Lumaverse CRM for free today!

If event planning is an essential part of your organization, you’ve probably spent some time weighing your event management software options. More than likely, you’ve seen the name Cvent pop up in your research.

While Cvent is a widely used event management solution, it’s not necessarily the best software for your nonprofit.

Why? We’re glad you asked! In this post, we’ll present 5 reasons that Cvent may not be the ideal event management solution for you, including:

  1. Cvent offers more features than you need.
  2. Cvent isn’t intended for nonprofits.
  3. Cvent wasn’t built for Salesforce.
  4. Cvent isn’t user-friendly.
  5. Cvent doesn’t fit your budget.

We’ll also introduce you to some of our favorite Cvent competitors as potential alternatives for your organization to use.

Ready to find the event management tool you’ve been waiting for? Let’s dive in.

If you don't need all the event management features Cvent has to offer, consider investing in a Cvent competitor instead.

1. Cvent offers more features than you need.

What’s the problem with Cvent?

Cvent is a dedicated event management software designed for large-scale organizations planning a variety of events per year.

With a robust toolset to help event planning teams organize multi-day conferences, streamline complex scheduling, and coordinate logistics, there’s no denying that Cvent can be a fantastic choice for your event management needs.

That said, for organizations who aren’t planning complex events or who aren’t regularly relying on event management software, Cvent will be an overwhelming platform to navigate.

Many organizations who’ve used Cvent note that it took in-depth training, significant time, and a lot of trial and error before their teams felt confident using the software. Even then, many organizations don’t utilize half the features buried within the system! Luckily, there are easy-to-use Cvent competitors you can look for instead.

How is a Cvent competitor better?

If your nonprofit doesn’t have time to swim through a sea of event planning features you won’t use, consider utilizing a more lightweight event management solution.

Our advice? Rather than purchasing extensive event software, look for a well-rounded nonprofit CRM that can supply your team with built-in event management features.

CRM dashboard setup.

Lumaverse CRM offers lightweight event management tools similar to Cvent but more manageable for small to mid-sized nonprofits. 

You’ll have no problem finding a nonprofit CRM that can provide the tools you need to get off the ground with your events.

For example, Lumaverse CRM gives you all of the following event management functionality out of the box:

  • Custom event registration forms.
  • Sponsorship management tools.
  • Cross-event dashboard reporting.
  • Additional online donation options.

And because these event tools are built into a comprehensive CRM system, all event data is automatically stored in conjunction with the rest of your constituent data for a holistic real-time look at your guests, donors, volunteers, and any other valuable supporter information. 

Best of all, you can use Lumaverse’s reporting tools to measure your event success and determine which areas could be improved upon. If you find that you want to enhance your events by bringing on additional event management software, you can always integrate a dedicated events platform later on.

In a nutshell – If your organization isn’t ready to implement a robust event management platform, consider finding a comprehensive nonprofit CRM with ready-to-use event management tools.

Unlike some Cvent competitors, Cvent wasn't designed for one industry, so it lacks some nonprofit functionality.

2. Cvent isn’t intended for nonprofits.

What’s the problem with Cvent?

What’s the problem with Cvent?
One of Cvent’s main selling points is that any organization, business, or venue can use the software to manage their event needs.
While that might sound like a good thing, the fact that Cvent is so broad can also be highly disadvantageous if you’re looking to use it for fundraising events.
Think about it—is a corporation’s annual conference going to have the same goals, audience, and layout as your walkathon, fundraising gala, or auction? Definitely not! That’s why to plan truly phenomenal fundraising events, you’ll need to use a solution built with those types of events in mind.

How is a Cvent competitor better?

To truly knock your unique nonprofit events out of the park every time, it’s good to know exactly what types of fundraising events you’ll be planning and search for software that can give you the specific tools you need to make them happen.

For example, your cornerstone fundraising events might fall into one of the following categories:

  • Peer-to-peer fundraising events. Designed to inspire donations from your supporters as well as their friends and families, peer-to-peer events are typically large community-based fundraisers that celebrate your cause.
  • Charity auctions. Get out your paddles and catch the auctioneer’s eye! Silent, live, or online auctions can be enhanced with innovative technology such as mobile bidding software.
  • Walkathons, races, or other active events. Who says that friendly competition wasn’t a good thing? Learn more about why 5Ks, marathons, and similar events are surefire successes by reading our essential walkathon guide!
  • School fundraising events. Whether you’re hosting an alumni dinner or planning a parents’ party, school fundraising events are a totally different event management experience. Make sure you’re prepared with the right tools!
  • Text to give. Make it easy for donors to contribute any amount to your cause– all from their mobile devices! Text to give is growing in popularity as it engages younger, on-the-go donors.

With the event management features you need, you’ll be well on your way to hosting an event that engages donors and brings in donations.

In a nutshell – Cvent wasn’t designed for nonprofits, which means you may miss out on some event fundraising functionality. Instead of using Cvent and looking for workarounds or add-ons, start with an event software that was built to support the specific kinds of events you’re planning.

Because Cvent wasn't built for Salesforce, it won't function as well as some Cvent competitors that are native to Salesforce.

3. Cvent wasn’t built for Salesforce.

What’s the problem with Cvent?

If your organization uses Salesforce to manage your constituent data, you’ll need an event management platform that can sync up seamlessly with your CRM.

Unfortunately, Cvent is just not that platform. Cvent was not designed for Salesforce, so you’ll have to integrate the two platforms to get them to work together.

While integrations can be useful, they can also require significant time, troubleshooting, and money.

To learn more about the specifics of how the Cvent Salesforce integration falls short, read this article.

How is a Cvent competitor better?

The best alternative to integrating a third-party event management app with your Salesforce system is installing a native Salesforce app instead.

Native apps are built exclusively for Salesforce and operate as a part of your greater Salesforce system. What does that mean?

  • There’s no integration. Native apps work within Salesforce, so you don’t have to do any manual integration to connect the two platforms. And since the platforms work hand-in-hand, your event management tools should be operating smoothly any time Salesforce is.
  • Your data lives in one platform. Instead of spending all your time moving event data from Cvent to Salesforce, all of your constituent information and event details will be visible in real-time in your CRM.
  • You’ll have greater Salesforce support. Cvent’s support team should have no problem answering questions about Cvent as an individual platform, but when you add Salesforce to the mix, things can get murky. Since native apps only work in Salesforce, you can rest assured that your vendor will help you at every stage of the event management game.

If you’re looking for event planning platforms to extend your Salesforce CRM, make sure to keep these vital features in mind too!

In a nutshell – Planning Salesforce events is a unique process. To handle your Salesforce event management most effectively, you should find an app built for Salesforce instead of an external integration like Cvent.

Users have found that many Cvent competitors are more usable and accessible than Cvent.

4. Cvent isn’t user-friendly.

What’s the problem with Cvent?

Whether you’re using an end-to-end event management solution or capitalizing on lightweight event planning features built into your fundraising platform, your nonprofit won’t be able to get much out of your software if you don’t know how to use it!

Because Cvent is so comprehensive, many users have found that the platform has a steep learning curve.

While every product will likely require some amount of training (or, at the very least, testing), there’s nothing worse than getting stuck with a solution that’s more trouble than it’s worth. Unfortunately, for many users, that’s the case with Cvent.

How is a Cvent competitor better?

Your nonprofit should find an event management solution that offers all of the tools you need with an interface you feel confident using.

Finding management software specialized for your organization will ensure the features are comprehensive and streamlined for your needs. For instance, a recreation department might choose a software solution that can handle specific event planning and advanced registration features for regularly scheduled programs.

To make sure you’re prepared, work with your staff, your vendor, and (if needed) your nonprofit consultant to come up with answers to the following key questions:

    • What’s your implementation timeline? Depending on how extensive your event management software is, it may take some time to fully implement the platform, especially if you’re integrating your product with other systems (such as Salesforce, fundraising software, or donor management software).
    • Will you need to (and be able to) customize the platform? Custom configurations can take your event management software to the next level, but they also take time and software expertise. Ensure your team has the know-how to conduct any customization you need (or work with a consultant who can walk you through the process).
    • Does your vendor offer training? Your vendor may offer some level of training, so do your research to find out if it’s enough to onboard your entire team. Training typically costs extra, so make sure you have room in your budget to accommodate any training from your vendor or a third-party consulting firm.

    To get an idea of what implementation and use will look like, you should always reach out to your vendor asking for a demo before committing to your event management software. Use that time to ask questions and communicate any concerns you have regarding the user-friendliness of the software.

A demo can also help you get a better feel for your event management solution’s features. While reading about the available features online is a great starting place, a demo can help you see what the software will look like in action. For instance, if you’re planning a summer camp, you can walk through the registration process and other features that your registrants will see as they sign up and attend. This gives you a better idea of the user-friendliness from every perspective.

In a nutshell – Cvent is a useful platform once you know your way around it, but learning the software’s nuances may be more challenging than you’d think. Many corporations that use Cvent have an events team dedicated to implementing and managing their Cvent app. Without those resources, smaller organizations may find they have more features than they can handle, resulting in an app that’s hard for attendees to navigate. Therefore, make sure you anticipate a learning curve and implementation process for any event planning solution you choose!

Many Cvent competitors are more budget-friendly since Cvent is expensive software.

5. Cvent doesn’t fit your budget.

What’s the problem with Cvent?

It goes without saying that any type of fundraising software will be an investment for your organization. Ideally, the long-term payoff will outweigh the initial costs, but you need to be wise going into the software buying process to make sure that happens.

While you’ll need to contact Cvent directly to find out exact pricing for your nonprofit’s event needs, it’s safe to say that this event management platform can be a costly one. 

Suppose your organization depends on events as part of your fundraising or donor engagement strategies. In that case, you might find that a comprehensive event management solution like Cvent is the best path for maximizing revenue long-term.

How is a Cvent competitor better?

It goes without saying that any type of fundraising software will be an investment for your organization. Ideally, the long-term payoff will outweigh the initial costs, but you need to be wise going into the software buying process to make sure that happens.

While you’ll need to contact Cvent directly to find out exact pricing for your nonprofit’s event needs, it’s safe to say that this event management platform can be a costly one.

Suppose your organization depends on events as part of your fundraising or donor engagement strategies. In that case, you might find that a comprehensive event management solution like Cvent is the best path for maximizing revenue long-term.

  • Upgrade or expansion costs.
  • Integration costs.
  • Setup or implementation fees.
  • Fees for developers or consultants.

On the other hand, if you’re paying per event or per registrant, pricing can get complicated fast, and you may end up spending much more money than you originally intended.

In a nutshell – Cvent is a pricier event management platform. While the costs can be worth it for enterprise-level organizations, you should do your research to find software that offers the features you need within your budget.

Your event management software can be the foundation for your team’s most successful events yet. Be sure to choose an effective, all-in-one software solution such as Lumaverse for your team’s needs. Now, get to planning with these exceptional event resources:

  • The Essential Fundraising Event Checklist. We’ll take you through every step of the event planning process to make sure every part of your fundraiser is taken care of. Follow our essential checklist to plan your most profitable event ever!
  • Fonteva’s Top Eventbrite Competitors. Looking for more lightweight event management software? Check out these top Eventbrite alternatives from Fonteva!
  • Salesforce Event Management Guide. If you’re planning an event using your Salesforce CRM, this guide can be your new best friend. Read up on all things related to Salesforce events in this in-depth guide from Fonteva.

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Get the best prospect research software to identify major donors from your crowdfunding campaigns.

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